Frequently Asked Questions

Cortland Hardwood Products
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Q: I need help finding a product or placing an order.  Can you help me?

A: Take a look at this guide.

Q: What is a Setup Fee?

A:  A Setup Fee is charged to cover the time it takes to setup one of our moulders.  Our moulders have six cutter heads, and it takes a considerable amount of time to to get the tooling loaded into the machine and properly adjusted. The tooling is adjusted to within a couple thousandths of an inch to ensure quality and consistency.

Q: Do you have more information on ordering and checking out?

A: See Finding your Product and Placing an Order

Q: What does LF stand for?

A: LF stands for Lineal Foot or one foot of the particular product at it's particular width and thickness.

Q: What is RW RL?

A: RW RL  stands for Random Width Random Length and although we carry a wide variety of widths and lengths, we do not necessarily have every wood type in every width and/or length combination.  Typically our wood is between 6 and 16 feet in length and 3 to 10 inches wide.

Q: What does S4S stand for?

A: Smooth 4 Sides meaning that the board has been planed smooth on all four sides

Q: I'm not receiving E-mails after submitting a form(s) or completing checkout

A: Check your Spam folder if after an hour you still have not received it

Please add  to your email provider's whitelist (or just add it to your contacts)

If you are still not receiving emails from us please send an email to

Q: Why can't I order mouldings in lengths greater than 7'9" feet?

A: UPS's max shipping length is 96", however we need room for the box so our max random length is 7'9".  We can manufacture or have stock of lengths longer than 7'9" and you can call or email for a freight quote.