Finding your Product and Placing an Order

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Store Hours:
Mon Feb 24th - Fri Feb 28th 8AM - 5PM
Last Day Sat Mar 1st 9AM - 1PM
If you're having trouble figuring out how to navigate our product listings; figuring out how to use the "add to cart" form, or how to check out, please read on:
Finding a Product (filtering for what you want)
Adding a Product to your Cart
Editing your Cart
Checking Out

You can also call (330) 638-3232 or email us at for assistance or to place your order.

Finding a Product (filtering for what you want):

Image 1a (click image to enlarge)

Image 1b (click image to enlarge)
Image 1a:
  • you can select multiple options from each section (highlighted in red in the image to the left)
  • the system will automatically limit what you can choose as you make selections
  • see image 1b for a filtered example

Image 1b:
  • Because I chose to look at only the mouldings that are 3/4" thick Crown Moulding, it has limited my width choices; and has also limited my Moulding Type selection, since the other options are not available in a 3/4" thickness
  • The Wood Types are being limited down from 20 to 3 by the availability and a combination of the Moulding Type and Thickness. There are no 3/4" stock Crown Mouldings available in wood types other than Maple, Oak, and Poplar in this image
Adding a Product to your Cart:

Image 2a (click image to enlarge)

Image 2b (click image to enlarge)
Images 2a and 2b:
  1. Product Title - Contains a basic overview of information about the current product:
    • Knife Number
    • Wood Type
    • Moulding Type
    • Width
    • Boards also include the physical dimensions in parentheses
  2. Product Information - contains a wide array of information about the current product.
  3. Specify Lengths or Total Footage - You can enter the footage that you would like to order, or check the box highlighted in item 4 then fill in the fields shown in Image 2b.
  4. Exact Lengths Checkbox - Checking this box will reveal more fields (shown in Image 2b) which can then be filled with quantities for each length; you can also still add a quantity of random length footage at the same time.
  5. Product Image Switcher - clicking on different images in here will change the larger image above to show more detail.
Editing your Cart:

Image 3a (click image to enlarge)

Image 3b (click image to enlarge)
Image 3a:
  1. Knife Number and Made to Order Status - In the cart/Checkout process there are 3 things that determine whether a product will add a setup fee to your cart:
    1. IF it is a Moulding or Board
    2. IF it is Made to Order
    3. IF the total Cost (shown in Image 3a box 3) for the products' Knife Numbers shown in Image 3a box 1 is less than $250.00
  2. Editable Fields for each Product added to the Cart - the first Item is shown with a single box for random lengths as checkbox 4 from image 2a was not checked when it was added (noted just over box 1 in image 3a) the second line is much taller and has many more boxes as the checkbox was checked for that line item
  3. Line Item Totals - if the total of these add up to less than $250.00 (where the sub conditions in item 1 above match between line items) a setup fee will be added.
        Example: Both items are Made to Order Mouldings with a Knife Number of CH098 therefore we can add their totals from Image 3a's box 3 totaling $196.06 which is less than the necessary $250.00 mark to waive the Setup Fee (shown Image 3a Box 4)
  4. Setup Fee - as stated will be waived if the total for each Profile (Knife Number) exceeds $250.00
Image 3b:
  1. Remove Button - To remove a Product from Your Cart you need to use this button. Setting values to 0 and updating Will NOT remove them.
  2. Total, Update Cart & Checkout:
    • The Total shown here is calculated for all products shown in the cart
    • Update Cart should be clicked to see changes you've made to any length boxes in Image 3a before continuing.
    • Checkout can be clicked when you are ready to proceed with your Order. It will add or subtract any changes you have made to Quantity values since you last loaded/Updated the Cart page.
Checking Out:

Image 4a (click image to enlarge)

Image 4b (click image to enlarge)
Image 4a:
  • Image 4a shows what you will see when you continue from the cart into the checkout process, a more compact and uneditable version of the cart for you to review before continuing
Image 4b:
  • Image 4b shows a continuation of the same page as image 4a, you will need to enter:
    1. Your Email
    2. Your Shipping Address (a phone number is optional)
    3. Your Billing Address (if different from your Shipping Address)
    4. Agree to the Terms of Service
    5. Hit Continue
Continuing the Checkout Process:
  • You will be shown a shipping rate and another Continue button
  • After continuing you will come to the Review Order page where you will once again be presented with a chance to once again review your order contents which will now contain the shipping amount from the previous page, Sales Tax (if you live in Ohio), and your information from the Checkout page.
  • Payment is collected via Paypal and continuing will redirect you to Paypal's payment collection page
  • After you pay there you will be returned to our site and to the checkout complete page